Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The New Must Have For Everyone In Your Household

Ever wonder what you can grab in a pinch to help with wounds, skin issues, natural healing, overall topical wellness? I have the solution for you! I have this in my purse, in my toddler's room, and also in my vanity...This little tin contains some powerful healing ingredients such as organic butters and oils, herbs, and essential oils to help with ALL KINDS of issues: 

-Cuts-Burns-Acne-Bruises-Scrapes-Eczema -Skin Irritations-Diaper Rash-Welts-Insect Bites-Post Surgery Wounds-Sunburns-Wrinkles -Blisters

-Protects, Disinfects, and Moisturizes
-Stimulates Skin Repair
-Eases Joint Pain From Arthritis
-Natural Emollient
-Soothes Body Aches
-Prevents Wound Infections
-Repairs Skin Tissues

"Happy Healing" is the name of my all-purpose salve and I know that you and your loved ones will benefit from it while falling in love with the scent, feel, and results of using it!

Shipping is available on my online store:
Cost for this is $11 per tin.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you think of!

Ingredients: Local Raw Beeswax, Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Shea Butter, An Intentional Blend Of Essential Oils.

*Variations available with and without loose, organic Echinacea. 
Natural healing is better. When something works in sync with how our bodies were created to heal, you can bet it is effective! I can't wait for you to start incorporating this!

-Andrea Newkirk

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Grieving The Loss Of A Sibling...

 “As long as I am working on my grief, the grief work is working”.

It may take months or even years to get to the place where we feel back to "ourselves"........

I am finding this is how grieving works.....and I am allowing God to fill the gaps, fill the voids, as He hears my thoughts while knowing my every emotion along this journey of two years today......

Losing a sibling is not the most common of topics or discussions....
If you have lost a sibling I can relate to how you are feeling......When a parent dies, you lose the past. When a child dies, you lose the future. When a sibling dies, you lose the past and the future.... That is the grief of a sibling—grief for what was past, and grief for what should have been the future. It is a different type of grief that not everyone experiences....

ALL types of grief are difficult. ALL chapters of readjusting and re-learning how to live from that moment of loss, forward are for sure a journey and a process of finding that new version of demands a different version of us we NEVER thought we'd need to discover....

There are so many emotions and phases tied with losing a sibling and I'll share some of mine since there is no such thing as "normal" :

-Working Through Processing
-Living Intentionally
-Focusing Only On Good Memories 
-Joy (YES. This is possible. I used to have guilt about feeling this way as I heal, but that is a LIE from the enemy. There is NOTHING wrong with having JOY again after a tragedy...God still wants us to live JOY-FILLED lives as our time on earth is only temporary! Our loss does not define us, but rather becomes part of our story and character)

I've heard it said that healing takes time.
That is 100% true.
I've heard it said that it gets easier with time.
That is also true......Time does not make the pain go away, however the sting of those raw emotions lessen....

I honestly do not know how people deal with the loss of a loved one without God. The comfort, the love, the peace, the support, and now the joy I am walking through is ONLY from God. There is NOTHING that could even come close to how God has helped me and is still currently helping me, and will continue to help me with my healing from this difficult experience in my life.

I want to encourage you to press into God.....
I want to remind you to allow healing to take time. Take the time you need.....
I want to let you know I'm here to talk if you need a listening ear, someone to cry with, someone to remind you that it is OKAY to feel these things.....

God created us for relationships and to feel deep emotions....both good and bad ones. 
God also created us with a longing for a have a relationship with Him, who is sooooooo much larger than this world and anything we will face. And we WILL have trials, tough chapters, and moments of confusion......

You can't rush your healing.

It is a journey.

Just as a flower loses its petals and blooms again the next spring, so will we shed tears, mourn the loss of our loved one, but we will ALSO be renewed, we will grow and bloom again to our fullest potential through this season as that is how God wants us to live!

I'm currently reading the book, "In a pit with a lion on a snowy day." 
It is helping me with my mindset in this season and journey of healing and growth. It is helping me process how I face anxieties and fears that I never experienced until losing my brother. If you're looking for a good read that isn't necessarily for grief, but rather for living a victorious and courageous life, check it out!

I want you to heal.
I want you to grow.
I know you will come out stronger on the other end.

Keep going.
One day at a time.
God's got this.
God's got you. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

And Just Like That.....Three Years Have Gone By

It is both crazy and amazing to think that three years have gone by. Since the moment I became a mom, time has passed by much more quickly than I ever could have imagined. Some days I'm hesitant to blink because I know that another day will be over and my little girl will be another day older. I find myself cherishing every significant "first" with Nova.

Being a parent is such a beautiful experience. While as much as we want them to stay little, we also get so excited for the "firsts" and the milestones. I get excited watching Nova mature and grow into her little self. (Each "first" is exciting and parents reading this, you get it so I'll share!) Today's milestone? She went potty on the big potty all alone. (I'm talking all by herself!) Lights on, up onto the potty without a step stool, did it all alone and back to me with a ginormous smile on her face when she saw me grinning back at her. "You're ready for pre-school" I told her.....She beamed and replied, "I am older and bigger Mom." 

It is crazy to think she will start pre school next week. She is ready. She is more than excited and I know that I'll be the sentimentally tearful one when that morning arrives.......gosh can time slow jussssst a teeeeenie bit? She seems much older than three some days... My heart is full as I get to watch her bloom into the Nova that she is meant to be! She is a bundle of energy and loves making up songs for me...Nova has so many different expressions and I am happy to have captured a few...


She has a BIG personality......she makes me laugh with her thoughts, her VERY honest comments, and her wild imagination. Seeing life through her eyes makes living SO exciting! Kids are awesome. They remind us what life is supposed to be about. Less worrying, more time appreciating the day at hand. More dreaming and imagining. Simply living as ourselves and keeping it transparent, without a care in the world. Her silly spirit and carefree attitude is teaching me to go with the flow more. Every day is an adventure......and it is supposed to be that way. It is easy to get caught up in routine that we forget about spontaneity (thank goodness Nova reminds me how often we need to do spur of the moment things! haha) See her two pictures above with that smirk? She's reaching into her pocket for some little marshmallows I bribed her with for these pics we took! (Yep. bribery works wonders sometimes) She was so excited to have those little goodies in her pocket during out little photoshoot outside! Actually, even taking these pics were spur of the moment - outfit and all! If you have a toddler,  then you understand the beauty of capturing a good mood, a bit of patience on their part, and decent weather to make it all come together! This chair? It happened to be on the front porch as we went outside so I grabbed it....her Corduroy bear? A prize from her summer reading program. Her green corduroy dress? It had been hanging in her closet waiting for the perfect opportunity.....Nova was SO excited they matched! Like I was saying.....Spontaneity. It happened to work out perfectly and it was FUN! I'll never forget her excitement and expression when I held her green dress next to her bear and she saw they coordinated! Nova couldn't wait to take pictures with her bear! (I LOVE how excited she gets over small sweet)

She's fun. Being a mom is fun. (Yes it is also a whole bunch of other things that can sometimes wear me out physically and emotionally......but in this specific entry I'm focusing on those fun moments when all is well with the world, YOU KNOW what I'm talking about - that moment your toddler is smiling with marshmallows and cooperating for a few pictures! LOL) Our outdoor cat, "Sawyer" also made an appearance off and on while we snapped photos....he's a very curious cat who loves going on hikes in the woods with us and even follows us down the road on our walks......he's a sweetie who showed up one day (about two or three months ago now) and he has belonged in our little family ever since. Nova loves animals and loves helping take care of him.

I love seeing life through her eyes. Those precious little blue eyes. (It is crazy to me just how much she has matured in the last few months.....almost like someone pressed fast forward and I think it is from her getting excited about being "older" for school! Last week she kept saying, "I am brave and strong." Oh sure are!)

Enough photos for now - there are more I can share at another time......I just smile as I look through all of the candid ones we captured together. Her little personality continues to shine more and more the older she gets. I still have my moments when I realize how quickly time is going, and I can also say I am excited for each new milestone with Nova! Just like that, three years have gone by and I am so very excited for what the future hold with this little blue-eyed, curly headed, spunky-dimpled girl! 

I love being her Mama.......and I'm excited for our next milestone of preschool next week!

-Andrea Newkirk

Monday, August 27, 2018

We Are Living Our Dream

I remember talking about our life together in 2007 when we started dating in college. I remember dreaming about what married life could be....and at such a young age. I remember getting engaged in 2008 and married in 2009, knowing we started our life together so young, and knowing we had our entire lives to work towards our goals and dreams as a couple! I remember our first little house together, getting our first couch and no longer sitting on the floor, doing things other than watching tv, because we didn't even have that yet. I remember how simple life was - and how perfectly content we were. I remember dreaming about buying our "forever home" together and starting a family. I remember finding that home and moving into what seemed like an enormous house! (I could no longer vacuum the entire house from one plug-in spot! haha) I remember planning which room could be a nursery in the future, dreaming about what our yard and property would look like one day. I remember our excitement of finding out we were pregnant, becoming parents together, bringing Nova home, creating this new chapter together with our happy little family. I keep thinking about memories and the sweet, simple moments I cherish.....

I stop and realize in this very moment that we are living our dream right now.

It is so easy to get caught up in adulting, in working, in setting goals and working towards them, in making plans for the next step in life, in parenting and being busy.

As I stop and take a moment to look at where we have been and where we are today, I smile and can honestly say that we are living our dream. What started as hopes in 2007 have turned into a journey together of being married, of parenting together, of doing this thing called "life" as a team.......and learning to love one another more and more along the way.

I love my days home with Nova. I love the look on her face when she hears you pulling in the drive way after your day at work. I love how we enjoy being outdoors together and we can have so much fun doing simple things together. Our family feels complete. "A chord of three strands is not easily broken" - Ecclesiastes 4:12. There is something so powerful in numbers of three and I find the simplicity and strength in our happy little family.

 While yes, we still set goals together and dream of our future with an "older Nova" - I want to slow down and simply live today, because the life we have RIGHT NOW is the life that I have always dreamed about. Life as a wife and life as a mom and living the way we are today is such a ginormous gift to me. I can see God's hand in it all. Living our lives differently and following His direction with a set-apart way of living has truly paid off....and will continue to!

I looked back at one of my journals from high school and saw one of my focuses of prayer was for my future husband.....I can honestly say that God blessed me in that area as well by giving me you! You're literally the description I wrote when praying for the man God would have for me. (even down to looks.....pretty amazing if you ask me!)

We are living our dream.

I am perfectly content with all God has given us and want you to know that living life with you is the best way to live. Living life as parents now with Nova is the icing on top.


 When I pause to thank God for all that He has blessed me with, I realize that the life I dreamed of as a little girl is the life that I'm living today! My heart is full and my soul is content!

 We have been made some bold decisions together when it comes to the age we were married, in our decisions with our career paths, and with how we live today. We have experienced deep heartache with losing my brother and learned to lean into God even more while sticking together for positivity. We have definitely experienced some ups and downs...and that is part of life, isn't it? Without the difficult seasons, we would not be as grateful for the sunshine filled chapters.....I know there will be many more ups and downs along our journey and I know that God will remain our foundation and our source of joy, peace, wisdom, etc through it all. 

Today I am simply filled with joy and am feeling 100% content with where we are in life...and I give all of the credit to God for paving the way, for providing for us, and for blessing our relationship and our family. Nothing we have is by our own is a gift from God and when we look at it that way and realize we are to be good stewards with what God entrusts us with, (our body, our spouse, our kid, our home, our finances, etc) everything falls into place and we learn to appreciate the small things, to strive to be better not only for ourselves, but for our loved ones, and see God's hand in everything along the journey! 

Life is sweeter when shared with those you love......and I love what we have. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"I Don't Like You Mom"

Well. It happened. 
A few days ago I heard my very first "Mom I Don't Like You" as a very frowny "threenager" walked away from me with arms crossed. I'm not gonna lie. My heart sunk. I felt crushed.

What was it over? Me following through with miss Nova. 


I am realizing that good parenting will involve those moments...even though they are NOT fun. 

Loving someone SO much means we must set rules and boundaries and follow through with them while that little person is testing the waters. Some moments are absolute bliss! Some moments I just want to squeeze her sweet cheeks from how loving she is to me. Some moments I also realize I must allow her to "not like me" because I am mean for not feeding her popsicles for breakfast or granola bars for dinner (Isn't it kind of comical when we take a step back at what little kids get so bent out of shape over? haha....they can be perfectly fine and then BOOM something sets them off!)

Anyways - Encouragement for parents who are reading this:


Think about how we can become BETTER for our kids from what we learn.

Speaking for myself, I see areas where I am learning patience, sacrifice, and joy! 

Now think about what you are teaching your kid(s) in those not-so-popular moments...

When that "I Don't Like You" happens, when you get eye rolls, when an attitude pops up out of nowhere, it most likely means you are doing something right because you CARE enough to offer guidance and help mold their behavior. 

Another truth? NO BODY has this parenting thing 100% figured out...and no body ever will. Kids change from year to year. We change from year to year. And all the while we try something, make improvements, adjust as needed, go along with plan B, learn how to be better for not only ourselves, but also for them, and KEEP GOING. Go with the flow and attempt to maintain balance! 

Enjoy the Journey. 

Embrace this Season.

It goes by SO QUICKLY and one day we will look back and realize that even those unpopular moments were not "bad" moments, but rather part of them growing up and becoming who they are meant to be. You've got this. Hang in there! 

Oh yea, and don't be too hard on yourself on those "not so perfect days"

-Andrea Newkirk

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Lasting Transformation...

Once I changed my mindset and how I tackled "results",  I truly found LASTING TRANSFORMATION! Life is too short to stay on the struggle bus, too short to battle with food, too short to dread workouts, too short to not splurge here and there also...finding balance is important and living intentionally and feeling amazing is priceless!

Wanna know more of what I've been doing....and not doing?

Keep reading: 

Saturday, July 14, 2018



Many times when I talk to people about transforming their overall wellness, fitness, mindset, etc, the most common phrase that I hear is "I will give it a try" .....


Our bodies are limited. Our mind is not.

By changing the way we think, we will then change the way we live on a daily basis....and THAT ADDS UP TO TRANSFORMATION.

When you decide to join the movement and live the "Faithness Lifestyle", I am asking you to  DECIDE to "CUT FROM" the OLD YOU and make daily changes to become THE NEW YOU.

I do not look for people for my group who want to simply "try it" or "just see" if it will work for them. That is the wrong mindset and to me, I KNOW they are not ready yet in their journey to make those changes on a daily basis and commit to themselves...(but hopefully will find the value in that in the future and "DECIDE" to make the "DECISION" in the future!)

I want the DEDICATED. I want the GO-GETTERS. I want those who HAVE "DECIDED" that it is time for a new life. It is time to leave their old self in the dust and move forward in victory with the things they know need to improve!

Take that first step. 
Get after it. 
Make the decision to "pass a resolution"
DECIDE to make that DECISION.

......and once you do, your LIFE WILL BE DIFFERENT.

I KNOW you have what it takes. Have you realized that yourself yet?

-Andrea Newkirk 

Friday, July 6, 2018

Hold Every Thought Captive...

Worrying is STUPID. 
It is like walking around with an umbrella and waiting for it to rain.

How many times have WE ALL been guilty of that?

There are SO many things that can rob our happiness, our joy, our peace, our confidence, etc!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Goal Setting

What are you working on?
What are you working towards?
Where do you want to be in life in another 2, 5, 10 years?

What if I told you that by simply writing those thoughts down and committing them to paper, you'd be more successful? 

What if I told you that by living your life a little differently and changing your mindset and thought process those things would happen more than if your mindset stayed the same ?

Take a moment to consider...
Saturday, June 9, 2018

Ditch The Toxic Options For Food Storage In Your Home And Switch To These!

Did you know that the average American throws away approximately 185 pounds of plastic per year?!! 

I am excited for you to incorporate my handmade beeswax wraps in your home to make your life easier, eliminate unnecessary toxins with common food storage, and help with the horrible problem we have with the environment due to excessive waste! 

One particular concern is that cling wrap is made from Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) which contains hormone-disrupting phthalates, a chemical that keeps plastic soft., which has been described as one of the most dangerous consumer products. It leaches harmful substances which
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Difficult Mom Days And Lowering Expectations...

 An entire day at home.
A BIG "to do" list
5 important calls I need to make
laundry to fold and put away
Kombucha to make and prepare next batches
coordinating orders to meet with elderberry syrup tomorrow 
a house to clean
dishes to be done
and with this list, a toddler who wants me to play with her...

Any moms reading this and already thinking "not gonna happen" ???

You're right.

While attempting to squeeze in two calls this morning and picking up the house I hear laughs, crashes, and then thumping noises coming from Nova's room....can't be good I think while hanging up the phone...I open her bedroom door this view:
Monday, May 21, 2018

Keep It Simple

Less is More. 

The less things you have, the less things have you.

Keep it Simple.

The thought I'd like to share this morning is on simplifying various areas of life. In a society that strives to have more, be more, do more, I'd like to say the opposite and scale it back a little,,,

I realize that sounds backwards to some, and I for sure think it is important to continue pushing forward to be the absolute best versions of ourselves...but there is a healthy, balanced way to go about that. Here are some things that pop into my mind:
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Embrace Your Weirdness

Normal is boring.

Your imperfections make you, you.

Your unique traits, your "quirks" and OCD habits are what make you wonderfully yourself.

Fitting in is NOT fabulous and worrying what others think will get you NO WHERE in life.

There is FREEDOM in embracing your "you-ness" ... dare I say your weirdness?!


I said it. Embrace Your Weirdness! :)

It is fun! When you're weird it makes you smile and heck, it may make others smile...because deep down they are longing to let their weirdness out also - and they'll smile seeing you're living it...enjoying it - embracing the freedom and "fun-ness" of being your uniquely, wonderful, weird self!

After all, it's weird not to be weird.

-Andrea Newkirk
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Healthy Bread Substitution!

Do You LOVE Bread?

Do You Want To Stay On Track With Getting Results?

I may just have found a "bread hack" for you! 

Check it out!

I am ALL about finding healthier ways to do things! I enjoy "unhealthy" things just like anyone else, however I LOVE how much better I feel from making healthier substitutions (So many of those past unhealthy decisions are no longer worth it to me!) 

It is truly about re-educating ourselves with "loopholes" if ya will - and finding what works with your body best while getting results! I'd like to have my cake and eat it to.....and still get results! haha...Too much to ask?

Today I decided to give this new recipe a try and I must say, it is a keeper! Next time, however I'll be getting some "everything bread" seasoning from Trader Joe's to sprinkle on top before baking! This is an excellent replacement for buns, flatbreads, breakfast sandwiches, etc. And if you're following a low-carb or keto diet...this is for you! 

* If you're like me and NOT following a diet (YAY US! heehee) and simply want to make a healthier choice, this is also a great option!


Tuesday, May 15, 2018


I am excited for June's focus in my online group!

While we aren't necessarily learning about Traditional Chinese Medicine, it has been around for A LONG in THOUSANDS of years! Have you ever heard the saying *Don't change a good thing? I believe that can apply to this topic of herbs! Original. Tried and True. Effective. 

When it comes to finding new habits to promote healing and support natural wellness, I am ALL about that! The more I learn about natural health and how amazingly it works with your body, the more I get excited to share with you!!!

Maintaining health seems like a far better focus than managing disease!

I am excited to teach my clients more about herbs during the month of June! I truly believe that for every prescription offered, there can also be a natural alternative! It comes down to either treating a diagnosis, or repairing the cause itself! The beautiful thing is YOU get to decide which side of the fence you'll be on! 
Friday, May 4, 2018

My Ultimate Goal For You Is NOT A "GOAL WEIGHT" (HERE IS WHY!)

A HUGE goal I hear from people is wanting to reach their "goal weight"......

That is a great takes dedication, consistency, sacrifice......


Something is missing.

A "goal weight" is something that only describes what is going on externally or on the outside.

(what about how things are functioning on the inside?)

I am concerned with your health and longterm wellness!

Let's talk for a second about FAT.

Do you know what happens when your body is filled with toxins and you're unable to eliminate them? Your body does what it was designed to walls them off by surrounding them with FAT in order to protect your organs! 

Perhaps you are currently following a diet, an exercise plan, or perhaps both to get to a "goal weight"

BUT are you working to eliminate toxins, preservatives, and unwanted chemicals from your body?

Monday, April 30, 2018

A New Season For Music After Time To Heal

For me, it all started on this tiny keyboard at the age of three.....

I remember my mom sitting with me and teaching my fingers how to "walk" up and down the was just my size and so much fun to play!

Music was always part of my life. I don't remember many days when I didn't sit at the piano and play for at least a few minutes (I'm not talking sitting to practice site reading...but rather making up chord combinations) was simply part of my daily schedule and I loved it!

I enjoyed playing before my feet could reach the pedal (at age 18 - LOL. Just Kidding! If you know me, you know I'm not blessed with height!) I remember playing at both of my Grandparent's houses! One side of the family had a neat player piano and the other side (pictured below) had a piano and xylophone on the wall to play. I was literally surrounded with places to play any time I wanted!

I remember taking piano lessons in sixth grade and NOT liking it.
It felt boring and seemed to crush my creativity with creating songs on my I think I ended up only taking lessons for 1-2 years and then that was it......(perhaps I should have continued, but it didn't feel like it "fit" for me) 
I continued making up songs at home while my brother played either the drums, trumpet, or guitar to accompany me. We made up SOOOOOOO many instrumental songs together. I wish now that we would've recorded them somehow while just playing off the cuff. The memories of those "jam sessions" are so special to me. 

When I went to Greenville College in 2007, I enjoyed playing at Vespers and playing with other students in the recording rooms for fun! There is something special about playing with others who just "get" your music style. It comes together effortlessly, taking on the sound it is supposed to have. This pic (below) is from playing one evening at the local coffee shop near the college. 

When I moved to Missouri in 2008, I continued playing. My husband actually moved our piano we inherited from my grandma by himself into our first house! (I will never forget that....he's soooo strong!) When my brother visited, he would play guitar and my husband played drums with us! That was so much fun! Just like old times with the addition of my husband! Those are some of my favorite memories with music.....we played off and on during our visits over the years....

When we moved into our current home, I remember sitting outside under the stars in January of 2015....Zach playing his new acoustic guitar and Jacob playing his djembe. The three of us started writing a new song together (It had been years since Zach and I had written something together) I had no idea it would be the last song we created together...
In October of 2016, while cleaning out my brother's apartment after his motorcycle accident, I found the papers we had written on in 2015....the lyrics to that song we chords or title yet. 

Long story short, and for those who were there, you know that I tied it together, as if with a gift bow, adding the chords I remembered and a title and played it at Zach's celebration of life days was only right to play that song for others to hear....

(here is the youtube link for Just Whistle ) 

I'm still trying to teach myself to play guitar...piano is for sure my main instrument, but it is fun to play around on other instruments for fun!

Music has been bittersweet for months now.

I have always felt alive when I play piano....but especially while playing with someone else who just "gets it"... 

Until recently, playing the piano has felt a little "empty" without someone to play with.

I have kind of avoided it to be honest, as it brings up too many mixed emotions.....

.......and THAT is where God is incredible and His timing is always perfect. 

Recently, we have been visiting new churches to find somewhere closer to home to get more plugged in and more involved. After a few visits and somehow, I don't know (seriously that's how God works) the opportunity came up with the invitation that there was a need for a second service pianist for the growing contemporary naturally I started praying about it. 

I honestly struggled with the decision to move forward or not, as like I said, it has been a time of healing for me since losing my brother and the deep connection to music I have.....

I WILL say one thing.

God is persistent!

When something is MEANT to be in your life, it WILL NOT pass you up!
God continued nudging at my heart.....I continued praying about it.....
I went for it. 
I figured, why not just give it a try and go jam with this person who invited me two Sundays in a row  (my second and third time visiting the church haha - persistence right?)

April 19th 2018....It went really well and we will just say it was an emotional drive home afterwards...a flood of great memories of past playing, a new sense of purpose, and that feeling of BEING ALIVE after playing with someone else again! 

It is almost like God has been holding this puzzle piece while I've been on this journey of healing. Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time."
It is like it was just "time" for this piece to be placed back into the picture of my life...

I cannot begin to explain the JOY it brings me to play.....and to have someone else to play with again...passion and purpose, both rolled into one. God's timing is perfect.

I am excited to see where this new adventure takes me!

I am SO excited for Nova to grow up around music. 

She loves instruments and recently told me she wants to play each one! (and that is fine by me!) She said she wants to be a singer when she grows up (also fine by me!) She loves dancing while I play for her at home....

God has given each of us unique gifts, and if I'm able to use music as a gift to bless others, I want to continue pursing that. 

Recently I'm feeling more "myself" as music has taken on a new beginning and meaning in my life.

I am thankful for the individuals God has placed in my life. I am thankful for those who will be in my life in the future! For those who have followed my journey, I always want to remain transparent, because that is how I believe I'm able to help encourage is not perfect and FOR SURE has its ups and downs.

Life does not have to be perfect to be beautiful.

God turns broken pieces into masterpieces when we make ourselves available and remain open to the opportunities He brings our way.

Music is part of who I am. 

This morning I looked through a binder of the songs I've written in the past.....

It is pretty amazing to read the lyrics of songs God gave to me back in February of 2007:


A new sense of healing and worship is stemming from it all....

I am open to what God wants for my life through music. 

I am ready for this next chapter.

I am happy to share this journey with you and hope it blesses your heart.

Here's the chorus from one of my songs: 

"Now Is The Time" written on 4/3/07

*And God said, "The time, your time has come. The time for hurting to be done. For I bring new life, a new hope that heals, a new light that shines, a new joy that fills. So NEVER give up. NEVER give up. NEVER give up, cause now is the time."


We All Have A Choice

We all start in the same place. We are given a choice. Do you know what your decision boils down to? PERSPECTIVE. You...