Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Difficult Mom Days And Lowering Expectations...

 An entire day at home.
A BIG "to do" list
5 important calls I need to make
laundry to fold and put away
Kombucha to make and prepare next batches
coordinating orders to meet with elderberry syrup tomorrow 
a house to clean
dishes to be done
and with this list, a toddler who wants me to play with her...

Any moms reading this and already thinking "not gonna happen" ???

You're right.

While attempting to squeeze in two calls this morning and picking up the house I hear laughs, crashes, and then thumping noises coming from Nova's room....can't be good I think while hanging up the phone...I open her bedroom door this view:

I immediately took cleaning her room off the list because THIS is what I walked into... (and when I walked in, I realized the thumping sound was her throwing toys at the wall.)

Toddler stage is super adorable when they are good and super frustrating when they are testing the waters! I am sure part of her behavior was her trying to get my attention while I was busy trying to be productive.......and it worked....but not the way it should.

Why are we so hard on ourselves as moms? Trying to multitask and get so much done?

I realized out of frustration that I CANNOT have both a tidy house and also play with my daughter.

Then comes nap time. PJ's, reading, rocking, singing, in her bed.....

for 15 minutes.

She pops up like a boomerang and exclaims she is not tired!

So I think to myself, screw it - we are going outside!

Ya know what? Nova had a blast helping water the garden, wade in her pool, and run through the sprinkler......This was a much more fun day for her with me giving her that attention!

I looked at the pics I took later this afternoon and realized the "rainbow" that was created while the sun shined down through the mist.....and it made me realize something...

I need to lower my expectations and stop stressing myself out with everything that I think needs to be done. I like to check things off my to-do list, have the house clean when my husband gets home, have dinner ready, play with Nova, take a shower (moms you get that one!) and do it all in a day...

but some days do NOT go as planned......

So today after talking with my husband (THANK YOU JESUS FOR THAT MAN) during his lunch break, getting a reality check, and taking a step back from that STUPID list of what "needs" to be done, I am happily lowering my expectations on myself and that feeling of anxiety and pressure is going down! 

There is no such thing as a spotless house with a little one.
There is no such thing as perfection with how much you get done in one day.
There is absolutely no reason to stress ourselves out with unrealistic expectations or mom guilt.

I know they say to enjoy these days with our little ones because they go by so quickly (AND THEY DO) - but some days are just downright frustrating. The mom you picture yourself being and the real mom who is frustrated don't match up.......

and that is okay.


NOBODY has it figured out.

Each day is new day to adjust what we did and live the next day BETTER than we did the day before!

I share this not to vent, I share this not to complain......


If you have mom friends who tell you otherwise, or won't admit it.....they are lying to you ;)


The moral of this story is.......

Ditch the big to-do lists!
Pick a few things to do each day.....
Remember PROGRESS. NOT perfection....
(If you are worried about how you are parenting, that means you're doing something right!)

Stop scratching off checklists and feeling frustrated by what is NOT getting done. 

Let them play in rainbows! (It is what is best for us all!)

-Andrea Newkirk

p.s. And don't be too hard on yourself! I'm guilty of that and today I'm reminded that there is NO NEED for it.....and I'm reminding you also! <3

Lastly, if you can relate to this or know another mom that will, please subscribe and share! There are plenty more posts coming from an honest place in my heart and don't want to miss any!

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