Tuesday, May 15, 2018


I am excited for June's focus in my online group!

While we aren't necessarily learning about Traditional Chinese Medicine, it has been around for A LONG in THOUSANDS of years! Have you ever heard the saying *Don't change a good thing? I believe that can apply to this topic of herbs! Original. Tried and True. Effective. 

When it comes to finding new habits to promote healing and support natural wellness, I am ALL about that! The more I learn about natural health and how amazingly it works with your body, the more I get excited to share with you!!!

Maintaining health seems like a far better focus than managing disease!

I am excited to teach my clients more about herbs during the month of June! I truly believe that for every prescription offered, there can also be a natural alternative! It comes down to either treating a diagnosis, or repairing the cause itself! The beautiful thing is YOU get to decide which side of the fence you'll be on! 

Join me for the month of June as we learn more about the powerful benefits of herbs and how they can fit into modern life and your everyday habits!

I am excited to share this with you! We start in approximately two weeks, so get in here if you're planning on it!

You can also expect to learn A LOT MORE when it comes to overall healthier habits with nutrition, enjoyable ways to stay active and get results in the toning department from home, and also focusing on a more positive mindset during all of these great transformations! 

Feel free to email me with any of your questions!

I can't wait to help you along your journey! 

-Andrea Newkirk

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