Friday, July 6, 2018

Hold Every Thought Captive...

Worrying is STUPID. 
It is like walking around with an umbrella and waiting for it to rain.

How many times have WE ALL been guilty of that?

There are SO many things that can rob our happiness, our joy, our peace, our confidence, etc!

Today I want to encourage you to STOP WORRYING.

This month's topic in my accountability group is on mindset, on focusing on positivity, and simply living life out of a place of gratitude. 

It is absolutely INCREDIBLE what happens when we shift our focus onto that side of things.

Life is short. 

Once today is over it CAN NOT BE REPEATED.

What are you allowing your mind to focus on?

How are you living your life each day thought wise?

2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to HOLD EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE.

We get to choose what thoughts we entertain.

Our mind is a POWERFUL tool, when used properly!

Do not allow worry to creep in. There is NO room for it in your mind or in your life!

We either have a place for Faith or we have a place for Fear....but not both at the same time.

Take control over your thoughts and you'll be surprised at how everything else in your life changes for the better as well! Focus on the positive, live a life full of gratitude. Make the most of today, it is a GIFT, that's why today is called the present!  

-Andrea Newkirk

*If you feel that you need a "positive bubble" to be part of while taking steps to improve your life in various areas, there is still room in my online accountability group! I promise to help keep you motivated, keep you encouraged, and offer real-life answers to help you take daily steps towards a happier and healthier you! I'm here for you! 

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