Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Healthy Bread Substitution!

Do You LOVE Bread?

Do You Want To Stay On Track With Getting Results?

I may just have found a "bread hack" for you! 

Check it out!

I am ALL about finding healthier ways to do things! I enjoy "unhealthy" things just like anyone else, however I LOVE how much better I feel from making healthier substitutions (So many of those past unhealthy decisions are no longer worth it to me!) 

It is truly about re-educating ourselves with "loopholes" if ya will - and finding what works with your body best while getting results! I'd like to have my cake and eat it to.....and still get results! haha...Too much to ask?

Today I decided to give this new recipe a try and I must say, it is a keeper! Next time, however I'll be getting some "everything bread" seasoning from Trader Joe's to sprinkle on top before baking! This is an excellent replacement for buns, flatbreads, breakfast sandwiches, etc. And if you're following a low-carb or keto diet...this is for you! 

* If you're like me and NOT following a diet (YAY US! heehee) and simply want to make a healthier choice, this is also a great option!


  • Ingredients:
  • 3 Eggs
  • ½ Cup Cream Cheese , full fat
  • ¼ Teaspoon Salt
  • 1/8 Teaspoon Cream of Tartar
  • ½ Teaspoon  Baking Powder
  1. Preheat the oven to 300°.
  2. Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks into two medium bowls -- I do this by cracking the egg in half and passing the yolk between the two halves of the egg shell, at the same time allowing the egg white to spill into the bowl. You can also crack the egg into your hand, and use your fingers as a "drain", allowing the egg white to spill into the bowl.
  3. In the egg yolk bowl, add cream cheese, baking powder and psyllium husk (if you choose to use it) and mix until there are no remaining lumps. If you plan to use the same utensil to mix the egg white, clean off the utensil and dry - you don't want any yolks in the egg white mixture.
  4. In the egg white bowl, add the cream of tartar and salt. Using an electric hand mixer mix until the eggs whites form firm peaks.
  5. Gently fold the egg whites into the egg yolks, you want to keep as much of the air in the mixture as possible (the airy-er the fluffier)
  6. Using a spoon, place by the dollop (depending on how large you'd like your bread slice to be) onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet, making sure to leave at least an inch between each dollop.
  7. Bake for 25 minutes, or until they become golden brown.
  8. Let cool and enjoy!
I am pleasantly surprised with how these turned out on my first attempt!

My toddler approves also!!! That is a win in my book! Moms ya feel me? (It sucks to make a new recipe and you get a frown when they taste it... haha)

THUMBS UP..... I'll take it!

In my personal opinion, I'd MUCH rather make healthier choices and find better substitutions than follow a diet, feel restricted, or feel like I'm depriving myself. Life is wayyyy too short to live like that. I say clean it up, keep it simple, get rid of unnecessary toxins, additives, preservatives, and 


Be sure and leave a comment in the comments section below if you end up making this! I wanna hear what you think of it! Have a great day and enjoy snacking on your cloud bread!

-Andrea Newkirk

P.S. For MORE healthy substitutions and my advice on how to NOT live on a diet, NOT live in the gym AND STILL GET RESULTS, check out my other page - 

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