Saturday, May 19, 2018

Embrace Your Weirdness

Normal is boring.

Your imperfections make you, you.

Your unique traits, your "quirks" and OCD habits are what make you wonderfully yourself.

Fitting in is NOT fabulous and worrying what others think will get you NO WHERE in life.

There is FREEDOM in embracing your "you-ness" ... dare I say your weirdness?!


I said it. Embrace Your Weirdness! :)

It is fun! When you're weird it makes you smile and heck, it may make others smile...because deep down they are longing to let their weirdness out also - and they'll smile seeing you're living it...enjoying it - embracing the freedom and "fun-ness" of being your uniquely, wonderful, weird self!

After all, it's weird not to be weird.

-Andrea Newkirk

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