Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Lasting Transformation...

Once I changed my mindset and how I tackled "results",  I truly found LASTING TRANSFORMATION! Life is too short to stay on the struggle bus, too short to battle with food, too short to dread workouts, too short to not splurge here and there also...finding balance is important and living intentionally and feeling amazing is priceless!

Wanna know more of what I've been doing....and not doing?

Keep reading: 

Until I changed my thought process on a daily basis, I wasn't able to "see" my results. It is IMPORTANT TO DO EVERYTHING OUT OF LOVE for yourself.....not because you don't like something about yourself. Working on improvement daily gets you MUCH FURTHER when you're focusing on the positive and not the negative about yourself...promise! 

They are in common foods, fast food, "name brand" food I used to trust, etc. Pesticides, Artificial Sweeteners, "FAT FREE", "SUGAR FREE",  Our body's NORMAL response to toxins is to wall them off with fat! Get rid of Toxins, Let go of fat. IT IS SIMPLE......and I can help you learn what your body sees as toxins! (everyone is uniquely created so there is NO "PERFECT DIET") 

I don't love it.....and if you see me running and I am not kicking a soccer ball or chasing my toddler, you'd better start running also! HAHA......I DO love stretching, rebounding to help with lymphatic drainage and detoxing (I can teach you more about this if you'd like lol) I love hiking, paddle boarding, biking, and in my house I do some pilates and free weights.....BUT I'M TALKING LIKE 10-20 min 2-3x a week. That's it. Nothing crazy. There are OTHER ways to help with things such as appearance of cellulite that are not exercise! (YEP. You'd better believe I"m gonna find those loop holes! lol) Exercise is not my "main focus" and it is also not my "main focus" for those in my group.....healthy and happy is first. the rest follows naturally when your priorities are straight! 

I love food. Ask my family. Eating to live is what's up! (and splurging occasionally in moderation)
I LOVE how I feel when I eat the things my body agrees with and I avoid what it does has taken me a few YEARS of learning.....listening to my body.....trying various "ways" of eating - one month at a time to see what works best. THERE IS NO PERFECT DIET. Everyone is created uniquely. Did you know that the Bible actually tells us how to eat, how to live, etc?!!! Yep. Who would've thought that the God, the very one who created us, loves us enough to write down HOW we are to eat, how to live, and how to think to experience our BEST LIFE??? 
Pretty amazing if you ask me.

I have found a love for herbs and natural ways to support my body in a way that it responds to....God created plants to help us live our best lives. Herbs to help with things such as mood, sleep, energy, balancing hormones naturally, detoxing, etc. I LOVE knowing that if I'm lacking something nutritionally due to the food that's available to me (purchased or home grown), I can incorporate a natural HERBAL SUPPLEMENT to make up for it.


Imagine a day that you wake up, know what to eat, know what to avoid, know what supplements you can use, know how to feed your soul, grow spiritually, know how to get your mindset right, feel stronger, feel your BEST and SIMPLY LIVE YOUR LIFE. 

I want this for you!

I cannot express enough how much MAN HAS OVERCOMPLICATED WELLNESS.
God designed us each and created what we need when it comes to living our absolute best lives! He loves us each so much that he left us a "life guide" on how we should think, eat, and live to enjoy this journey! I want you to experience life in abundance! The "Faithness Lifestyle" is about living your best life. It is about knowing WHOSE you are and finding balance while growing into the "YOU" you're meant to be! Dare to be different. Life your best life. We are not promised tomorrow so what are you waiting for? I am excited to help guide you and keep you encouraged along the way!

I want you to experience FREEDOM during your best transformation like I have! Space is limited, so if you're looking for an intentional transformation and simply want to get results while living your best life, you will LOVE being part of my "Faithness Family"!!!!!!!

Follow Me On Instagram: #carefreehealthy

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