Friday, May 4, 2018

My Ultimate Goal For You Is NOT A "GOAL WEIGHT" (HERE IS WHY!)

A HUGE goal I hear from people is wanting to reach their "goal weight"......

That is a great takes dedication, consistency, sacrifice......


Something is missing.

A "goal weight" is something that only describes what is going on externally or on the outside.

(what about how things are functioning on the inside?)

I am concerned with your health and longterm wellness!

Let's talk for a second about FAT.

Do you know what happens when your body is filled with toxins and you're unable to eliminate them? Your body does what it was designed to walls them off by surrounding them with FAT in order to protect your organs! 

Perhaps you are currently following a diet, an exercise plan, or perhaps both to get to a "goal weight"

BUT are you working to eliminate toxins, preservatives, and unwanted chemicals from your body?

When THAT is your focus, your body will naturally start working the way it should with eliminating unnecessary fat...because it no longer must protect your organs from toxins that are built up inside you. Fat can and will be burned more efficiently when following some simple and realistic suggestions I have for you as one of my clients! (Exercise is not even my 1st focus for you!) 

I realize this is a new way of thinking for many. 

YES, I want to help you burn fat and lose inches.
YES, I want to help you tone and gain strength/flexibility.
I PROMISE you - the "weight loss" and getting closer to your "goal weight" will come naturally when you FIRST focus on cleaning up your lifestyle overall!

Keep an open mind. 
Understand that my accountability group is about "RE-EDUCATING" yourself with a new mindset and new information than what we have ALL been taught growing up. 

The United States is #1 in the WORLD with what we have available when it comes to medical technology, prescriptions, availability of food, etc. The United States spends MORE than other countries when it comes to Medical/Health Care. WHY THEN are we the MOST overweight, MOST diagnosed, and "SICKEST" country when it comes to HEALTH and WELLNESS?
My thought? "traditional" ways of going about health are NOT WORKING.

Total Obesity Around The World
(% by nation)
11 - United States 30.6%
1- United Stated 30.6%
2 - Mexico 24.2%
3 - United Kingdom 23%
4 - Canada 22.4%
5 - Greece 21.9%
6 - Australia 21.7%
7 - New Zealand 20.9%
8 - Hungary 18.8%
9 - Luxembourg 18.7%
10 - Slovak Republic 15.4% 11 - Czech Republic 14.8% 12 - Finland 14%
13 - Spain 13.1%
14 - Ireland 13%
15 - Germany 12.9%
16 - Portugal 12.8% 17 - Belgium 12.7% 18 - Iceland 12.4% 19 - Turkey 12%
20 - Poland 11.4%
21 - Netherlands 10.9% 22 - Sweden 9.8%
23 - France 9.5%
24 - Denmark 9.5%
25 - Austria 9.1%
26 - Italy 9%
27 - Norway 8.3%
28 - Switzerland 7.7% 29 - Japan 3.2%
30 - Korea 3.2% 

It takes 90-180 days to replace all cells in the body.
When someone cleans a room, the room must first get messier before it can get more organized. The body can also be that way. When it finally gets the nutrition and resources it has been wanting for years, it may decide to clean house first. This may happen in the form of loose stools, temporary need for more sleep, or sometimes nausea. Toxins do not just vaporize where they are, they must be loosened from their moorings and travel through due process to be eliminated.
When drug addicts quit “cold turkey”, there are certain withdrawal symptoms. Does that mean that quitting the drug is bad? No, it just means that a gradual one degree of change is a much more smooth and pleasant transition.
Start slowly with any new supplement or eating regimen. In a few days, when the body has grown accustomed to getting the building blocks it really wants, and not being in survival mode ghting o the barrage of toxins daily, the more good foods can be added and dosages can be increased to match their labels. While the initial stages of healing may seem somewhat inconvenient, the end results are incomparable.
Taste buds will change. Water that used to be torture to drink, will soon be craved. The rst taste of cigarettes or alcohol is not usually pleasant, but taste buds can be trained and become addicted. You know the “acquired” taste for ne wine, etc. The same can be said for things that are truly good for you. 

If you are ready to start your new journey to true wellness, I am ready to help you!

Be willing to re-learn information when it comes to various areas of nutrition and daily habits.
Have an open mind when it comes to your new (AND FUN) relationship with food.
Get EXCITED to move your body in ways that leave you feeling GOOD and progressing towards results!
Get ready to have a renewed mindset about YOURSELF.

Your health is INVALUABLE. 

If what you've been doing or have done in the past isn't getting you where you want to be, perhaps it is time to try something new. I have ANSWERS for you!

So.....while a "goal weight" is a place to start, it is FOR SURE not what I am primarily focused on helping you with......that will happen along the way while we work together on your lifestyle change!

I'm here for ya!


Here's your link to join this movement:

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