Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Difficult Mom Days And Lowering Expectations...

 An entire day at home.
A BIG "to do" list
5 important calls I need to make
laundry to fold and put away
Kombucha to make and prepare next batches
coordinating orders to meet with elderberry syrup tomorrow 
a house to clean
dishes to be done
and with this list, a toddler who wants me to play with her...

Any moms reading this and already thinking "not gonna happen" ???

You're right.

While attempting to squeeze in two calls this morning and picking up the house I hear laughs, crashes, and then thumping noises coming from Nova's room....can't be good I think while hanging up the phone...I open her bedroom door this view:
Monday, May 21, 2018

Keep It Simple

Less is More. 

The less things you have, the less things have you.

Keep it Simple.

The thought I'd like to share this morning is on simplifying various areas of life. In a society that strives to have more, be more, do more, I'd like to say the opposite and scale it back a little,,,

I realize that sounds backwards to some, and I for sure think it is important to continue pushing forward to be the absolute best versions of ourselves...but there is a healthy, balanced way to go about that. Here are some things that pop into my mind:
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Embrace Your Weirdness

Normal is boring.

Your imperfections make you, you.

Your unique traits, your "quirks" and OCD habits are what make you wonderfully yourself.

Fitting in is NOT fabulous and worrying what others think will get you NO WHERE in life.

There is FREEDOM in embracing your "you-ness" ... dare I say your weirdness?!


I said it. Embrace Your Weirdness! :)

It is fun! When you're weird it makes you smile and heck, it may make others smile...because deep down they are longing to let their weirdness out also - and they'll smile seeing you're living it...enjoying it - embracing the freedom and "fun-ness" of being your uniquely, wonderful, weird self!

After all, it's weird not to be weird.

-Andrea Newkirk
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Healthy Bread Substitution!

Do You LOVE Bread?

Do You Want To Stay On Track With Getting Results?

I may just have found a "bread hack" for you! 

Check it out!

I am ALL about finding healthier ways to do things! I enjoy "unhealthy" things just like anyone else, however I LOVE how much better I feel from making healthier substitutions (So many of those past unhealthy decisions are no longer worth it to me!) 

It is truly about re-educating ourselves with "loopholes" if ya will - and finding what works with your body best while getting results! I'd like to have my cake and eat it to.....and still get results! haha...Too much to ask?

Today I decided to give this new recipe a try and I must say, it is a keeper! Next time, however I'll be getting some "everything bread" seasoning from Trader Joe's to sprinkle on top before baking! This is an excellent replacement for buns, flatbreads, breakfast sandwiches, etc. And if you're following a low-carb or keto diet...this is for you! 

* If you're like me and NOT following a diet (YAY US! heehee) and simply want to make a healthier choice, this is also a great option!


Tuesday, May 15, 2018


I am excited for June's focus in my online group!

While we aren't necessarily learning about Traditional Chinese Medicine, it has been around for A LONG in THOUSANDS of years! Have you ever heard the saying *Don't change a good thing? I believe that can apply to this topic of herbs! Original. Tried and True. Effective. 

When it comes to finding new habits to promote healing and support natural wellness, I am ALL about that! The more I learn about natural health and how amazingly it works with your body, the more I get excited to share with you!!!

Maintaining health seems like a far better focus than managing disease!

I am excited to teach my clients more about herbs during the month of June! I truly believe that for every prescription offered, there can also be a natural alternative! It comes down to either treating a diagnosis, or repairing the cause itself! The beautiful thing is YOU get to decide which side of the fence you'll be on! 
Friday, May 4, 2018

My Ultimate Goal For You Is NOT A "GOAL WEIGHT" (HERE IS WHY!)

A HUGE goal I hear from people is wanting to reach their "goal weight"......

That is a great takes dedication, consistency, sacrifice......


Something is missing.

A "goal weight" is something that only describes what is going on externally or on the outside.

(what about how things are functioning on the inside?)

I am concerned with your health and longterm wellness!

Let's talk for a second about FAT.

Do you know what happens when your body is filled with toxins and you're unable to eliminate them? Your body does what it was designed to walls them off by surrounding them with FAT in order to protect your organs! 

Perhaps you are currently following a diet, an exercise plan, or perhaps both to get to a "goal weight"

BUT are you working to eliminate toxins, preservatives, and unwanted chemicals from your body?

We All Have A Choice

We all start in the same place. We are given a choice. Do you know what your decision boils down to? PERSPECTIVE. You...