Wednesday, May 20, 2015
This may seem random and that's okay! LOL. I am getting really excited about our garden this summer! My husband and I ordered non GMO seeds this year! We are excited to make our own baby food later this fall for our daughter when she's ready to transition to food! I just wanted to share the information because I am so excited about it!!! The company we found and love is from Missouri, which is neat! The more I learn about non-GMO foods, the more I want to strive to eat healthier! I think it is important to share knowledge when it will help benefits others! I could REALLY go in depth here about non-GMO foods, but I mainly want to share this company's information with you!!! You can request a free seed catalog from them here:

I would also recommend reading more about their family business! Pretty neat!

Part of being healthy is fueling our bodies with healthy, whole foods! (Not a bunch of processed crap!) Buying organic/non-GMO can be expensive! (but still cheaper than doctor bills!) Even if you don't have a spot where you live to plant a large garden, you can still plant a few seeds in a container garden and grow your own main veggies that you eat most of!

Here is the "about us" spot on their website:

Take a look and see what you think!

I'm excited to see how our garden does this summer!  I'm thankful for my husband taking care of it since I'm 6 weeks away from our due date! I think it will be a neat opportunity to grow, prepare, and freeze our own baby food for later this year and into next year as well!

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