Anyways - I am getting really excited about my "plan" later this summer to get back to where I'd like to be! I have a challenge pack waiting with my name on it here at home! I wanted to have it ahead of time so I have NO EXCUSE to start right away! I will be using Shakeology for either one or two meal replacements each day - along with eating as clean as possible and exercising! I ordered Brazil Butt Lift because as my pregnancy progresses I can see that will be a lovely problem area where I have gained and will need to LOSE afterward! I also have PIYO from before pregnancy - and I LOVE IT. So will have to decide how to incorporate that as well!
I am planning to breastfeed so know that my calorie intake and QUALITY of food intake will be SUPER IMPORTANT. I was actually going to start Shakeology last week because I tried one and it was DELICIOUS. (normally I HATE meal replacement shakes because to me they have a weird aftertaste and don't fill me up.) I can tell the ingredients are awesome quality because I felt energized and full afterward! I did a little research and found out if I drink Shakeology while pregnant I would actually need to STOP taking my prenatal vitamins because it would be TOO many vitamins for baby! Talk about healthy ingredients! I ordered the Vegan Shakes to try...So far really liked the tropical strawberry and have yet to try the vegan chocolate post pregnancy!
So - the plan is meal replacements + healthy snacks in between shakes during the day + healthy dinner + exercise plan.
The only thing missing: YOU.
I need accountability.
I need to know there are other moms taking this journey with me...
I want to encourage you in your fitness journey after baby!
I want to give you the tools and support you need for success!
It is so important to look and feel our best so we are able to pour ourselves into our new babies and our families!
I am getting really excited for this adventure. I am not saying it will be easy, in fact, I will probably be exhausted and looking for little reasons to skip exercising from time to time. THAT is where being part of a challenge group comes into play! It is a safe, closed group that offers encouragement, support, honesty, accountability, and most of all, success.
Who wants to join me? It does not matter if you are a first time mom, have five kids, just delivered recently, or have put yourself on the back burner for a few months or years and are READY to change how you look and feel about yourself. It is possible to have success and I am SUPER EXCITED to have you alongside me! The workouts are convenient to fit into your schedule without a gym membership. The shakes leave NO room for guesswork with what a healthy, complete meal looks like. (I'm looking forward to that while on maternity leave and breastfeeding!) It will be doable. We can do it together! Message me on Facebook for more information if you think this is something you want to join me in!
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