Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Are you looking for more natural options when it comes to your hair color, your makeup, your face wash, moisturizer, tooth pastes, deodorant....etc????  the list goes on and on!

Our skin is our largest organ and it is SO IMPORTANT to avoid toxic things when applying things such as hair dye, lotion, makeup, polish, etc!

Anything and everything that we put onto our skin is absorbed directly into our BLOODSTREAM!
Don't believe that?
Why do you think the medical field uses topical patches, creams, and ointments for a method of  prescriptions....? (And many times that route must be diluted because they go INTO YOUR BLOODSTREAM)

My point exactly.

For the past few years I have been cleaning up my diet with less preservatives, additives, toxins, etc! I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER and other symptoms I used to experience even with simple things such as frequent headaches have either diminished or disappeared!

When given the right things, our body can HEAL ITSELF.

That brings me back to the topic of beauty items........

Why wouldn't I also "REVAMP" my beauty habits to match my lifestyle changes in the kitchen?

I LOVE how this plant extract based hair color turned out! I found it at WHOLE FOODS for less than $20!

I call that a win!

As a Life Coach, I am dedicated to finding BETTER items and ingredients, as well as recipes, exercises, detoxes, etc to help my clients LIVE A CLEANER, HAPPIER, HEALTHIER LIFE!

If you're searching for an online community of like-minded individuals with a coach (ME!) who will keep ya in line, answers your questions, and check in with you......Faithness is where you belong.

I have answers for you! Life is so much better without "rules" "diets" "restrictions".....

"Create Healthy Habits, Not Restrictions"


Friday, February 23, 2018

Free As A Bird!

This morning while getting ready for my current employer's staff meeting, I selected this shirt to wear with a ginormous smile on my face......

"Free as a bird" is what it says on it...

For almost three years I have been slowly, yet consistently working towards my goals with not only improving my own health and fitness, but helping others work towards the same thing.

I have developed such a passion for helping others promote healing in their bodies through a holistic approach. I have a heart for encouraging others and keeping them focused on the positive. I also love making Kombucha and Organic Elderberry Syrup....My "Faithness Family" I call it, is my online accountability group where I get to know my clients on a deeper level and encourage them and offer  healthier solutions for lasting results..... this is all where it stemmed from...

Let me tell you something, God has been shaping my heart for the past few years. My vision and dreams have gotten bigger, my Faith has grown stronger, and my focus and plan for my life has become more in tune with what God would have for my life.....for my family's life.

It is today that I hand delivered my letter of resignation to my boss.
It is today that I took that final leap of faith, knowing God's plans for my future are bigger than my own.
It is today that I am realizing that God's timing is incredible.
Take a look at part of this devotional my mom sent to me this morning....It perfectly sums up my thoughts and where I am today...

*When we give ourselves permission to express a desire out loud to God, to bring it to Him, He takes it and clarifies His purposes for us.
God’s heart for all of us is that we would see that dreams come in all shapes and sizes and His heart for us is to dream in all kinds of ways.
He wants us to dream big . . . and small and in all kinds of shapes and sizes.
God wants us to dream with Him so that our hearts dance with joy and purpose, so that we get to know Him in deeper ways and point others to Him.
Remember this: He divinely designed your heart, mind, and soul to fit specific callings.
And He uses the twists and turns of your heart shape to draw you into all He created you to be.
Oh, how He wants you to be all He designed you to be.
He does not want you to miss out on the dreams He has planned for you.
When we are tuned in to God’s heart regarding the dreams He has for us — tuned in through His Word, tuned in through long meditation on Scripture, tuned in through daily prayers in His presence — He delights to give the desires of our hearts to us.
God gives us the desires of our heart — when His desires have become our heart. 
Desires will ebb and flow throughout our dreaming journeys.
We can put every desire in God’s arms, and He will guide us to the dreams He alone has perfectly preplanned for us.
I just love it! (thanks mom for sending this to me!)

It is incredible to me how what started as a small vision, turned into a passion, which turned into my dream and my calling.

God has taken that and showed me the next steps for my future.

Although I may not have all the answers, I trust God 100% with his greater plan for my life!

I've said it before and now I am especially excited to LIVE IT:
We do not grow inside our comfort zones! The magic happens when we step OUTSIDE and allow God to shape us beyond what we can imagine!

THANK YOU for following my journey!
I'm feeling "FREE AS A BIRD" today knowing that in a few short weeks, I'll be on my own! I am almost finished with school and I'll be able to truly dive into offering my Faithness clients more with the knowledge I've gained! I will be able to keep up with my steady orders of Kombucha and Organic Elderberry Syrup, and I'll be able to soak up MORE TIME with my sweet little Nova, as we enjoy time together before she starts preschool in the fall! God is good and I am feeling incredibly blessed...

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Your Perfect Day.......

What does your perfect day look like?

What can you do in your life to have more of those?

To get to a place where you can truly live life by design?

It is so true that if you aren't happy with where you are - you can absolutely CHANGE IT.



2. Set smaller goals, that lead up to those bigger goals.


No one ever got anything accomplished by sitting and thinking about it, wishing for it, or even daydreaming alone. 

Change takes ACTION.



So why not start creating the life you want to live NOW??!!!

As I type this, I'm currently sitting in bed, extremely comfy under my down comforter, listening to LOUD reggae music with sweet new speaker and a sub my wonderful husband had built for us.... I'm planning more BIG, SCARY GOALS for myself and for us as a family.........
AND MAN IS IT FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will all of those things happen? Maybe not, but I'd much rather fall a little short of those HUGE goals, than not set bigger goals at all and not go anywhere......

Perhaps you're content with where you're life currently is - and there is nothing wrong with that!

And perhaps you want MORE.

Perhaps you want to wake up and know you've landed your life in a place where you absolutely love waking up, living a DREAM LIFE that you've created.......

Why not start today?



Friday, February 9, 2018


Losing my brother made me REALLY REALIZE something.

Life is WAYYYYYYY to short to be spend dieting, spending hours at the gym, and feeling like you're making an effort, but not really getting results.

I am NOW finding that balance where I am losing weight, toning, feeling more POSITIVE and more CONFIDENT in my own skin - all while living and enjoying my life. What more could I ask?

If you feel:
-lacking energy
-lacking motivation
-lacking confidence
-needing guidance with what to eat and what to avoid
-looking for quick exercises that actually WORK
-wanting to find balance and just ENJOY YOUR LIFE


I think it is important to be HEALTHY
I think it is important to feel HAPPY

I want you to truly live a life that leaves you feeling fulfilled.

I have created and am blessed to offer you the "Faithness Lifestyle"

It is how I live my life.

True WELLNESS is made up of three parts:


Until ALL THREE of those areas in your life are filled AND balanced, you WILL NOT look or feel your best. That is a FACT.

I am here to help you achieve that! 

I promise to make it fun.
I will for sure keep it real.
I am here to motivate, encourage, and inspire you, while lovingly giving you that "kick" in the pants to keep you going and WANTING to stay on track! -you're

I love people and I love seeing others HAPPY and HEALTHY.

That's my goal.

You ready to learn more about my group?

Here's a quick video I put together to share what the "Faithness Lifestyle" is about......

If you are ready to make some significant changes for less than $1 a day here's my site:


Grief is an interesting thing...

Grief is an interesting thing. 

There are good days and then there are not so good days. 
Today is a good day. 

Last weekend, Mom sent some clothes along for Jacob to have. This sweater did not fit him. It was one that we bought for Zach a few years ago for Christmas. Luckily, it fits me. 

Today I am wearing it while making elderberry syrup, catching up on things around the house, and focusing on all of the blessings I have in my life today. 

I do not know how, but I can still smell his cologne on this sweater, and it makes me smile as I feel comforted by wearing it. 
I have so many wonderful memories that will keep me smiling until I see him again. 

I’m also reminded and want to remind you if you’re grieving someone also.....
”You don’t have a soul. You ARE a soul; you have a body.” -CS Lewis

This life is temporary. I’m no longer stressed over day to day “adulting tasks” like work, but rather, pursuing the things I love. Things God gifted me with and I love to do. After all, we are not promised tomorrow and must make the most of today. Live for today.


Friday, February 2, 2018

"Lay down what's good and find what's best."

"Lay down what's good and find what's best."

These words are from the song "Just Breathe"
They are in my heart and on my mind while expectantly looking forward to the future!

How many things are "good" in our life, but could be better or BEST? I don't know about you, but I will not settle for an average life, when it can be better! To get there it also takes CHANGE.

Often, it is scary to make changes, but it is change that challenges and changes us for the is how we grow.

What big changes are you facing?
How will it change you for the better?
How much better will your life be AFTER you go through the scary season of change?

This Verse is awesome and exactly what I am excited about:

Isaiah 43:19
"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."

Be EXCITED and ENCOURAGED during your season of CHANGE.

This life is a journey. Embrace it. Love it. See the positive in it......
and ALWAYS look to God for joy and peace in your decision making....after all, HE is the one who has our best interest in mind!


We All Have A Choice

We all start in the same place. We are given a choice. Do you know what your decision boils down to? PERSPECTIVE. You...