It's been a little while since my last post! I'm slowly getting into a routine as I figure out this new mama role! It takes a lot of work figuring things out at first, but SO rewarding!!! It hasn't been three weeks yet and I already feel like I've known my daughter for a long long time! She's truly a blessing in my husband's and my life! She is our new favorite thing! haha.....
My last post was about waiting for God's perfect timing...I can definitely say looking back at my labor and delivery experience it was important for me to surrender and give it to God. His perfect plan is always better than when I try and make things happen on my own. I had a set idea of how my labor and delivery would go. Let's just say that my own little plan didn't end up happening exactly as I had imagined....BUT - knowing now what the Doctor said about my size and how things went, it is much better that delivery ended up happening the way it did! God truly knows best! We have a happy, healthy baby girl and all is right with the world!! LOL.
One thing that I am realizing is that God does not automatically give us the things we pray for....instead He gives us opportunities to learn what we've prayed about! Many times I get an idea in my head of how I will do things and then when it doesn't go that way, I get discouraged. I am slowly learning to go with the flow and keep an open mind as God paves the way...Parenting, as I can already see will be trial and can have an idea of how things will go, BUT until I am there in the situation and actually experiencing it, I don't know the end result, and that is okay. I love this stage of my life. What is exciting to me is it will only get better as Nova grows up and develops her own little personality! It is so fun having a new little family!
Another lesson for me: after a C- section I cannot jump into regular workouts right away! That changed that plan for me, haha. So plan B it is. Since I am limited to walking right now diet is KEY for dropping some baby weight. My answer: Shakeology! It is a super healthy meal replacement option with TONS of vitamins, prebiotics, probiotics, etc....It is important for me to be eating right while breastfeeding and wanting to drop a few pounds! ;) Plus - I can make it quickly with one hand! Haha...for other mamas reading this YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN when it comes to multitasking with a newborn! ;)
Slow and steady wins the race! For now it is walking and drinking a few more weeks when I get the green light it will be PIYO and Shakeology consistently! I want other ladies to join me on this journey so LET ME KNOW if you want in! Accountability makes it easier to stay committed! I will be here to push you as you join me to get fit together! I'm excited to see who is serious about putting some skin in the game and making changes!
I'm learning to "go with the flow" - not the easiest lesson for me to learn, but hey! We are all works in progress!!! I'm gonna work with what I've got...I'm going to take each day one step at a time. I'm going to enjoy life as it happens.....I've always loved surprises...every day is a surprise! haha....Have a great day and let me know if you wanna join me!!! (message me on Facebook, I'd love to have ya!)
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