Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Summer is in full swing and for many that means vacation(s), long weekend trip(s), or fun evenings out! It is important to LIVE and enjoy "splurging" here and there with friends and family! The only issue we sometimes run into is that too much of a good thing can turn into a bad I want to share a quick detox with ya that can help you get back on track in only 3 short days!

The 3 day refresh makes it easy since it is all spelled out for the three days you dedicate to detoxing. It is a great way to hit restart and have a clean slate! Nutrition is important and this 3 day program keeps that in mind while keeping nutrition in mind as you "re-vamp" your body!

Life is too short to miss out on fun opportunities - ya just gotta keep in mind EVERYTHING IN MODERATION!!! It is about finding balance! We all get off track...(either intentionally or accidentally!) As long as you jump right back on track you are good to go! ;)

This made me laugh and I have to share it:

I hope you are having a wonderful summer! If you are from Missouri and reading this you can relate to our weird weather pattern that has gone from weeks of rain to high 90's! Crazy! Maybe it'll even out so everyone can enjoy being outdoors for a little bit! If you've fallen off your path and want a way to jump back in consider the 3 day refresh! Message me for details on Facebook or click my "shop my store" link on my blog!! Keep in mind - everything in moderation! 


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