Friday, June 5, 2015
How are you feeling today? Don't give me the "I'm Good" response... Think about it and give me an honest answer...

If we are honest with ourselves I think there is at least one area in our lives we KNOW we could improve upon. Maybe it has to do with your current relationship, your job, your health, your personal behavior, etc....there is ALWAYS room for IMPROVEMENT. ROOM TO GROW and BETTER ourselves!!! Until we FIRST improve OURSELVES in areas we can grow in , we are unable to improve other areas of our lives. It is SO easy to get caught in an everyday routine and settle for a mundane lifestyle. Who really wants that? NOT ME. I want to THRIVE, I want a carefree, healthy lifestyle that allows me to feel good about myself and truly enjoy my family and friends around me! Without investing in yourself, it is very difficult to be full and pour yourself into others.

We were created as vessels.
Vessels carry things.
We can carry mental, intellectual, spiritual, or physical things with the purpose to pour them out to others. Vessels are used to carry, contain, or pour something out. Without being refilled, we can eventually run dry, which is why it is vital to have a larger source to "fill up from" so to speak.

Your life has meaning! When God created us, He gave us unique abilities and talents and set us on a path or journey called life. We have the incredible ability to bless others by our own unique personalities and gifts! Not one person is the same and that is the beauty of grasping the differences of others and investing in relationships! When we allow God to fill us, there is a sense of "renewal" and "refreshing" - a powerful joy that overflows and we cannot ourselves create! It is bigger than us! It is personally encouraging to me to know that I do not have to come up with my own joy. I am able to "tap" into God - a source WAYYY beyond anything I could fill myself with. He is overabundant, He is whole, it is an unbelievable feeling. I have a true peace knowing where my purpose comes from. Knowing where my joy will be filled from. Seeing that the stress is NOT on me to constantly "renew" myself, but press into the Lord and allow HIM to fill me and renew me daily.

The next important thing to reflect on is our health. Without functioning at our top ability, it is very difficult to "pour" ourselves into others in a positive way. (in your family, with friends, at work, etc.) This means mental and physical health. How we feel and look physically directly affects how we mentally approach life. If you feel that you are stuck in a rut then it is time to MAKE A CHANGE.

Maybe you have exhausted all the other options for joy. Have you tried God yet? What is there to lose? He is free ;) lol.... Maybe you are ready for a "new look" - losing some weight or simply toning. Have you honestly given it 100% with exercise and healthy eating to effectively see those changes? Only YOU can answer that. What are you willing to try to get to WHO YOU WANT TO BE?

A goal without a plan is only a wish. I truly love being a coach!!! I am excited to invest in you and your goals! I am on my own journey as well and CANNOT WAIT to work alongside with some of you who are ready to put some skin in the game and get fit with me! I am 37 weeks pregnant and will be diving into a 30 day challenge with serious individuals who want to commit and get some awesome results. I am excited as I already have a newly engaged lady who is ready to lose some weight and tone for her big day! I have a mama who is ready to get back on track in order to feel better about herself and pour herself out to her kiddos more! Where do you fit in? Where are you at in your journey? What personal goals do you have in mind? Stop wishing about the "YOU" that you dream of and let me help you MAKE A PLAN. We are gonna do some work! We are going to see results. Promise. It is the whole package. Are you in?

Shoot me a message on Facebook or email me:
My next challenge group will start a bit later this summer...

- andreanewkirkhealthyliving

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