I absolutely love my days home with Nova.
Being a mom has been teaching me that perfection is not the goal...progress is important and what I role model is even more important. (Isn't it crazy all we can learn from a new season in life?)
While working on laundry and picking up the house, we stumbled across my baby carrier in the coat closet so of course Nova wanted to go in the "pack pack" - I was laughing because of how LONG she is now...I look even shorter next to my two year old in this thing! When I showed her how big she is in the mirror, she was laughing also!
Sweet moments like this that make me realize just how quickly she's growing! Time is such a precious gift. Some of my favorite memories with Nova are during common, quiet moments home with her. The best things in life are not things...
If you're a mom also I want to remind you to strive for progress and not perfection. Do not compare yourself to other moms. Focus on being the best YOU for your kid(s)! Enjoy each day for what it is and always look for the positive.
Nova will be 2 1/2 in December and I'm reminded from her in my carrier just how quickly time passes. I'm thankful for each day and love finding joy in little things. #momlife is a blessing.
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