Wednesday, November 16, 2016


To change your future, you must simply make the decision to do so....AND GO AFTER IT. When I was pregnant I KNEW I would want to have more time at home once my daughter arrived. I was determined to make that happen. While success isn't automatic, it is WORTH putting the effort in! After a year and a half of consistency I'd have to say that replacing half of my full time income has been worth it. While the financial side is great, my main drive comes from the fact that life is SHORT. Time passes QUICKLY. My daughter will not be little forever. I WANT to be here for those slow mornings, first milestones, and days at home with no schedule! This opportunity is allowing that to happen. What has changed in me? I'm not afraid to dream and GO AFTER what I love! I used to be judgemental about it, scared about the fact that I could fail....but then I realized - the time will pass anyway! I had to decide if it was worth taking a chance at affecting my future in a crazy, positive way. Am I glad I took that leap now? ABSOLUTELY. 2017 is around the corner. Who's gonna be the next one to take the leap with me? This side is SO much fly you must first jump!!! #fly #girlboss #goals #mom #life #baby #maternity #leave #home #family #love #priorities #momlife #healthy #free #freedom #financialfreedom #carefreehealthy #boss #bossbabe #dream #dream #dreamer

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