Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I am a planner. I always have been. Sometimes the unknown can be stressful! I get it! Since the summer of 2015, I have been trying this whole new idea of truly giving up control and letting God step in and amaze me...... and I can honestly say, I have never once been disappointed! In fact, the plans that God has for my life and what he has already been doing are far greater than what I could've planned myself! 

Today I want to encourage you to pray more and plan less. I know that sounds totally backwards to some and probably stupid to others. I speak from experience when I tell you that giving up control and trusting more in the one who loves us most, is one of the decisions you'll ever make! 

Embrace the unknown, stop and enjoy the little things in life, and know that you're greatest and most rewarding adventure is on the other side of fear. Take that bold step and know that HE WILL come through for you......but only when you step back and TRULY LET HIM. 

Have a great day guys! 💋
#faithmovesmountains #bebravebebold #trust

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