Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Are You Having A "Rainy Day" ???

Life lessons from Nova: When it is a rainy day, you pull out your favorite umbrella and enjoy every step of your walk that day...and intentionally spend it in the sprinkles...

Are you experiencing a "rainy day"?  Perhaps a "rainy season" ?

Our mindset and perspective has A LOT to do with how we view our current situations. The mindset of a toddler is so happy-go-lucky and I think it is an awesome reminder for us to see how they view life itself... How come we grow up and turn into adults and all of a sudden take things so seriously? (I'm guilty of this myself at times!) I am happy for her sweet reminder of how we SHOULD move forward when it is raining!

I want to encourage you today to grab your favorite umbrella, rain boots, jacket...whatever it is you like to use in the rain and find JOY in your walk in the sprinkles! Life is too short to spend it feeling upset, feeling down, having a pity party, feeling stuck without looking for answers, etc! There is ALWAYS HOPE, ALWAYS AN ANSWER, ALWAYS A SUNNY DAY AROUND THE CORNER.

I want to be an encouragement to ya! 

Proverbs 16:7 "When a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."

Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

John 16:24 "Ask and you will receive, so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy."

Know that you're NOT ALONE if you are having a rainy day or walking through a rainy season...I have been there. I want to remind you that you are NOT supposed to walk it alone. If you need encouragement, want a positive place to transform not only your mindset, but your overall lifestyle, I am your person! 

The sun will shine again! If you're walking in a valley, there is a mountain up ahead of you! Allow your heart and mind to be filled with positive things and an overflowing love and joy that only God can offer! He is TRULY the reason I'm able to smile, to move forward with Joy, and to truly live my life intentionally, with an abundance of gratitude while walking a path of healing...

Grab your umbrella, keep your chin up, and keep going!


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