Thursday, March 15, 2018

Have Cellulite? Want Glowing Skin? Want To Improve Circulation? (START DOING THIS)

What is Dry Brushing and WHY you should be doing it!

Did you know that Just 10 minutes of dry brushing = a FIVE MILE walk when it comes to circulation and health benefits???!!!

(I can for SURE benefit from that and know you will also)!!!!

You must brush towards your heart...then shower afterwards to remove dead skin cells.

Better circulation, improves cellulite, overall fantastic wellness benefits for your entire body, a more glowing complexion...need I say more??!!

Check this out:

*Dry Brushing has many potential benefits from smoother skin to helping with lymphatic drainage.
*Dry brushing is exactly what it sounds like… brushing the skin in a particular pattern with a dry brush, usually before showering.
*In dry brushing, the skin is typically brushed toward the heart, starting at the feet and hands and brushing toward the chest.
Lymphatic support, Exfoliation, Clean pores (and smaller pores!), Cellulite Help, Natural Energy Boost!

Here’s How to Dry Brush the Skin:

  1. Starting at the feet, I brush the bottoms of my feet and up my legs in long, smooth strokes. I typically brush each section of skin 10 times. For lymph flow, I always brush toward the heart/chest area where the lymph system drains. As a good rule of thumb, always brush toward the center of the body.
  2. Repeat the same process with the arms, starting with the palms of the hands and brushing up the arm toward the heart. Again, I brush each section of skin 10 times.
  3. On the stomach and armpits, brush in a circular clockwise motion.
  4. I then repeat the process on my abdomen and back and my face with a more delicate brush.
Note: Don’t brush too hard! A soft and smooth stroke often works best. My skin is slightly pink after brushing, but it should never be red or sting. If it hurts at all, use less pressure!
This is a great set that I recommend! (It comes with 3 different brushes for less than $16.00!)
Here's the link:

I have been doing this for a few months now and absolutely LOVE how I feel! There's no way to describe this natural "pick me up" and your skin and body will love you for it!

If you end up incorporating this habit let me know! I want to hear who my other "dry brushers" are!

I am confident that by taking care of your body, it will take care of you right back!


You Did Not Come This Far To Only Come This Far!

For today's thought I want you to picture a DESERT.

How many times have you felt like you moved forward in life and then you are "stuck" in a desert? It feels uncomfortable, you feel "dehydrated" with where your life currently is, you feel abandoned with TOO MANY choices of which direction to go...

Sound familiar?

I want to share something incredible with you and it makes me excited just thinking about it!

Our life is a JOURNEY. 

The second we invite Christ into our lives we immediately have the ultimate "guide" to help us navigate through life and also in our decision making!

His compass always points to the most rewarding paths BUT we must trust in HIS timing and also HIS direction - even if it doesn't make sense at the time!

I am EXCITED......why? 

Because I truly feel that I am on a "FAITH JOURNEY" since stepping off that ledge one week ago with my last day of employment at a "regular job"

I am out in the DESERT guys and I could not be happier! ( I am actually really excited because this is a different "me" than I used to be! I normally have everything "under control" and planned out! It is both scary and refreshing to NOT know the next step!)

God allows BIG changes in life to bring BIGGER changes within us!

I truly believe our purpose here on earth is to grow closer to our creator, to truly find out WHY we have been created, and to FIND OUR CALLING. That is when we REALLY LIVE and FEEL a fulfilled life!

I cannot reach the same people who you can....through your family, your friends, your employment, etc. I do not have the same skills and gifts as you. I am not you and you are not me. We need to do everyone a favor and STOP trying to blend in and be like everyone else......what changes when everyone blends together?

So back to my original thought for today:

It is in God's timing that I will learn my next step.
Right when I feel a little "panicked" not knowing what the next stage will look like, I am REMINDED by HIM that HE WILL BRING THE RAIN.

PSALM 107:35 "He turned the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs."

Does that not confirm how I'm feeling and answer my silly worries about the nest step?


I want to remind you that this life is a journey.
We need to keep moving forward and GROWING in the right direction. 
I for sure DO NOT have all the answers and am 100% confident in the one who does. 
(THANK GOODNESS I'm not the one navigating through the desert! I'd end up going in circles!)

Wherever you are in life as you are reading this, whatever you may be going through, HANG ON. Know that during your walk "through the desert" that GOD WILL BRING RAIN - in HIS timing!

Until that rain comes, keep moving forward, keep trusting, STAY POSITIVE, and know that HE who started a good work in you will bring it to completion!

Hang on! The rain is coming!

You did not come this far to only come this far!


Sunday, March 4, 2018

We All Have A Choice

We all start in the same place.

We are given a choice.

Do you know what your decision boils down to?


You'll either stay where you are because you believe that's "all you'll amount to" - "that is just where you're supposed to stay" - or perhaps you don't believe in the power of your DREAMS and feel stuck.
You'll stop overthinking the "possible" choices and make the decision to move PAST what goals look "doable" or "reasonable"...You'll choose to ignore the negative voices around you or even inside your head because you know there is more to life than staying where you currently are.

I can promise you one thing.

Ephesians 3:20 "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us."

The very MOMENT you decide you want MORE out of this life and GIVE GOD control by inviting Him into your heart and into your life, THE ROOF COMES OFF.

What used to seem "impossible" looks very different......because we are looking at it differently, with eyes now having a supernatural perspective.

I want to challenge you to do something this week.

Look at your past.
Look at where you are today.
DREAM about where you want your life to be in one year, five years ten years from now.

Now think about this...

Are you trying to do it on your own?

Or have you surrendered it to the big man upstairs, who has FAR more resources than we do....far more wisdom than us, and MUCH more capability to allow incredible things to happen in our lives.

We all have a choice.

Choose to SOAR.


We All Have A Choice

We all start in the same place. We are given a choice. Do you know what your decision boils down to? PERSPECTIVE. You...