Friday, January 19, 2018

I'll do today what others won't, so I'll have tomorrow what others won't...

I'll do today what others won't, so I'll have tomorrow what others won't...
Positive Thinking.

Every day we MUST move forward and GROW, or else we are staying the same and moving backwards...
I cannot explain the amount of motivation I have today. It is incredible. I am ready to push those in my group while pushing myself as well.

Are you ready to change?

Ready for your life to look DIFFERENT this year?

How can I grow?
What can I give?
What can I celebrate?

I DO NOT want to be the same person in 365 days from now. I want to become MORE of myself. I want to live for today. I am pursuing an abundant life. A significant life. An intentional, joy-filled life of freedom!

I am absolutely determined to discover MORE of what the #faithnesslifestyle looks like in 2018.
Are you ready to discover what that looks like for you also? I am here to help you get comfortably uncomfortable in order to make the necessary changes to live your best life now.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Advice from Jimmy John and my advice to STAY TRUE TO YOU!

Here are some of my thoughts for those going against the grain and doing their own thing when it comes to how you live your life, when you pursue your dreams, and when you choose who you let in and trust as close friends........

Everyone does life differently. What's right for one person may not be right for the next.

Have you ever seen this picture?

Our society wants us to go along with everything we're taught in school, the media wants us to "fit in" and be part of a society that blends in.....and ya know what? It is FAR EASIER to blend in, to copy your neighbor, and float through life living like others do.

Ya know what else? If you get caught in that pattern I don't believe you'll fully feel "fulfilled" because you won't be YOU. You'll be living a life that others choose for you.

Since making the BOLD decision to live my life differently in 2017, I have experienced life in a new way! In 2016 when my life was turned upside down with the loss of my brother I knew in that moment that life is WAY TOO SHORT to live like everyone else. I was ready to do things differently! Here's a quote from Jimmy John - I saw this a few years back and it truly stuck with me! It is making more and more since now that I'm working towards something BIG and EXCITING.....

Along my journey from going against the grain, learning more in school about holistic health, starting my own business that is a little different from typical programs, and going part time so I could pursue that and being a mom more, I have for SURE had my share of those who are skeptical of how I'm doing things. Some people think I'm a weirdo. Some do not agree with how I'm living my life and ya know what? I am completely okay with that because it is MY life and not theirs.

To change the world, sometimes you've gotta be that bird on the wire doing its own thing.
Sometimes you've gotta dig down DEEP and find out who you are and then STAY TRUE to YOU.
You must ALWAYS keep your eyes fixed on your goal and keep taking those steps forward NO MATTER WHAT.
Life will throw obstacles in your way.
Haters gonna hate.
Your journey may confuse some..........

And that's okay.

Stay true to you.

Keep going.
Keep growing.
Don't look back.
Your most fulfilled life lies ahead and your daily decision to keep going is gonna get you there!

Along my journey I'm always welcoming others who agree with what I'm doing and want to learn more to join me! My group is for those wanting to improve spiritually, mentally, physically, and overall live what I call the #faithnesslifestyle

The sky is the limit when we do our thing and do it well!


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Feeling Down? Those Shadows Are Liars.....

Well. It's January. The start of 2018. 
Should be feeling incredibly positive about everything, right?

Well, if you aren't I am here to tell you that you're 100% normal.

It may be dark when you wake up for work.
It may be dark when you leave work and head home. 
You may feel overwhelmed with where you are physically, financially, emotionally....and ya know what?
It's okay.

Do you know what the definition of darkness is?

  1. 1.
    the partial or total absence of light.
    "the office was in darkness"
    synonyms:darkblacknessgloom, dimness, murkiness, shadowshade

  2. Without light there is no such thing as darkness....

This was one of my favorite verses growing up and I still think of it often: 

1 John 4:4 tells us:
"You are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

When we have God in our hearts and in our lives, the Devil, who is the one in the world, cannot overtake us. God is greater than any darkness we will face, just as shadows, gloom, or darkness are ONLY the absence of light. 

Perhaps there is an area in life for you that seems absolutely impossible.
It is stressing you out.
It is causing you to lose sleep over.

I want to tell you right now that when you GIVE IT TO GOD and allow HIM to come in and take control of the situation, those shadows disappear because God is light...
and where there is light - there can be NO SHADOWS.

1 John 1:5 God is light; in him there is no darkness at all."

We are human. Life happens. 

For me, I am still in the process of healing from the loss of my brother. Some days are sunshine and rainbows, while other days are downright difficult. There are no words to express how I feel without him in my life.

I want to remind you that where the sun shines, the shadows have NO ROOM to hang out.

God is light.
Joy is bigger than grief.

This life is temporary. 
Your life will be what you make of it.
2018 is brand new for all of us.

We EACH have the ABILITY to CHOOSE what 2018 looks like for us.

What will it look like for me you ask?

It looks like:


I want to encourage you to do the same.

The God in my life is BIGGER than the struggles I face. I get my JOY and my STRENGTH in HIM.

Isaish 40:31 "They who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

2018 can be your year for more growth. For more positivity. For lasting changes that start on the inside.

Don't worry if you feel you're starting 2018 off on the wrong foot, as each day is a new start...

I feel that sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to "have it all together" on January 1st...

If you're searching for answers, looking for positive changes, and feeling overwhelmed by life......I get it.


I also want the BEST FOR YOU.

I want to invite you to live the #faithnesslifestyle in 2018.
Don't be intimidated by it.
It means you are making the decision every day you wake up to be better than the "you" who you were yesterday.

I am here to encourage you.
To inspire you.
To offer advice and answers.
To talk to you and be real on your "crappy days"
To walk with you in 2018 on this crazy journey...and to live life HAPPY AND HEALTHY......

Happy New Year to YOU! 

Keep it REAL. Keep it SIMPLE.

I am here to encourage you while helping you get results in this new year....and stay POSITIVE on days when it is tough.

Don't be a stranger...I don't sugarcoat anything in my group......what you see is what you get with me......and I want the best for you!  - Check it out. Who knows, it may just change your life...


We All Have A Choice

We all start in the same place. We are given a choice. Do you know what your decision boils down to? PERSPECTIVE. You...