Thursday, January 14, 2016
While talking to a friend yesterday I had a flashback.....a rather important one to myself! Something I am SURE you can relate to......something I didn't know if I should share.....BUT. I believe it is important to be transparent to best help those around me!
Last summer during my maternity leave my husband and I were on a SUPER tight budget! 8 weeks of UNPAID maternity leave isn't exactly easy to catch up from. I knew I was going back to work and that we would be able to get caught up financially......the thing is, who likes to work full time and still feel that you live paycheck to paycheck? NOT ME! My husband and I are best friends so to have finances as a strain on our relationship is not helpful at all. I had heard about the Beachbody Coaching opportunity as a business in the past but didn't know if I could make it work, or could do that as a business.....I didn't even have any extra money to get my first challenge pack to start my own transformation and start my business.
My husband and I had two garage sales that summer to have money towards our house payment. In adding up our profit I looked at him and said, I really think this Coaching thing is worth a try. He agreed to let me take some of that money, which seemed really risky at the time, and I bought my challenge pack and started my own business. For the mamas who are reading this post I know you'll understand my next thought:
Besides feeling stressed over our money situation I was unhappy with how I looked when I looked in the mirror. Yes, I was still on maternity leave. No, there was not a single thing I regretted about having my sweet, sweet daughter! For some silly reason us women always look at ourselves with a critical eye! I was ready to commit and make a positive change in my self esteem and in my fitness routine.
The moment I clicked "complete order" my stomach sank. Thoughts of doubt filled my mind. What if I didn't finish the program? What if I didn't have time to plan clean eating meals? What if this whole business idea is a joke and waste of my time and money? THOSE ARE ALL NORMAL THOUGHTS!
Fast forward six months............
My daughter will be seven months old this month already! TIME GOES BY SO QUICKLY! Those silly doubts I had in July are reminders of how human we are to put our dreams in a box! I am currently 4 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight! I FEEL BETTER than before I was pregnant because my nutrition is dialed in with an entire new mindset of how I view food! My convenient and effective daily workouts have become a "norm" in my everyday routine besides working full time. Shakeology is at least ONE daily meal for me - sometimes two as it has helped me TREMENDOUSLY with my weight loss goals! I will NEVER stop drinking it and when my daughter is older she will be able to drink it also!
The exciting financial part? I no longer work full time just to live paycheck to paycheck! I am making AT LEAST a couple hundred dollars extra each month! That's enough to cover my own monthly cost of Shakeology AND have money left over! The BEST PART? The amount doesn't stop there. As I continue to work my business, it continues to grow exponentially!
I am SO glad I decided to say "YES" and FIND A WAY to start my business! I totally understand the scary financial decision to start. Money DOES NOT grow on trees so to try something new on a new path can be terrifying.
All I can say is Beachbody has changed my life for the better! I am getting in the best shape of my life, I feel more confident than ever (that is worth A LOT) , and financially I am doing the best I ever have.
I share this with you not to brag, but to tell you THERE IS MORE for you than the daily grind and always feeling broke, tired, and unhappy with yourself. I am currently looking for FIVE ladies who want the same thing that I have found. I will be here to support you, encourage you, and help YOU grow your own business as well! The only way is up! We are a TEAM. I will do this WITH YOU. You can do it! I had my doubts - all the way until today when I realized my Beachbody account had more in it today for the first time than what my average regular checking account has in it during the week! I promise those doubts fade away when you get to the other side and see your dreams slowly come true! Stop limiting yourself and live by design!
Now.....who are those 5 ladies who want in? Let's do this! #girlboss
text or call me if this is for you! 314-578-7769 :)
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We All Have A Choice
We all start in the same place. We are given a choice. Do you know what your decision boils down to? PERSPECTIVE. You...

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