Transparent post.....gotta keep it real with ya.
While sorting out a junk pile this morning, I stumbled across this. I'll never forget how I felt EIGHT YEARS AGO. I had stabbing pain that made some days miserable. While on the outside to others, I looked like I felt fine, but the abdominal pain I had was debilitating....and here's the thing. I did not know what it was from. I ended up going to a GI doctor who listened to my complaints, analyzed symptoms, and after the appointment prescribed me medication to help with my symptoms.
Yes, the doctor I saw did what he was trained to do. There is a time and place to see doctors when you do not have the answers.....but from everything I have learned first hand and put into practice now - I know there is a better way.
One of the tests they ran showed me I was lactose intolerant. That was probably the most helpful thing I took away from that visit....(although if I had thought to keep a food log then, I could have decided that on my own...)
Here's the thing. SO MANY PEOPLE are given prescriptions to "fix" digestive issues while in all honesty, those prescriptions only mask the issue (not to mention the lovely side effects that come along with it) - sort of like putting a bandaid on a broken bone. Those medical professionals did not mention looking into healing my gut, checking my pH levels, looking in depth for food triggers, adding in things to help with my digestion....they simply handed me a prescription...which is their job - but it didn't cut it for me. (I'll keep it short by saying that Big Pharma cannot make $$$ on healthy or well-feeling people! ...and I'll leave it at that.)
I did not want to live my life on that I avoided dairy for some time...and ya know what? My symptoms improved.
EVERYTHING food and drink wise we put in our body is either viewed as medicine, nutrition, or a toxin.
When we have issues like I did in 2011 flare up it is our body's "CHECK ENGINE" light coming on!
Those things don't just happen for no reason. Our bodies are designed to work like a well-oiled machine when treated properly (and everyone is unique! It really is individualized!)
I want you to hear me out for a second. Perhaps you're suffering from some sort of digestive issue and the only thing that has been done for you so far is you've been prescribed a pill to take. Do you plan to keep living the way you are and simply accepting that diagnosis? Or are you ready to do some DIGGING and get to the root of the cause and improve and/or eliminate it?!!
The choice is yours. Everyone is different and it is completely up to you with what you will do from this point on.
Speaking for myself now in 2019.....after changing how I view food in the past few years, having a kid in 2015, after going through the changes that come along with how your body is impacted from growing a human, how your sleep (or lack of sleep) is impacted, how you decide to role model lifestyle habits etc....(the list could be so much longer but you get the idea)
Let me repeat that.....I feel better NOW at almost 30 then I did in my early 20's!!!!!!!! That is HUGE for me because I realize that I have the power to change my digestion, to transform my body, and to truly understand on a deeper level what certain foods do to my body - now in a positive way! It all comes down to lifestyle choices.
I want to be an encouragement to you.
I want to inspire you to take your wellness into your own hands. Take more responsibility for how you live....for the outcome you feel from what you eat and drink. Each meal you enjoy should leave you feeling BETTER than you did before consuming it!
It is still the beginning of 2019. THIS YEAR CAN BE YOUR BEST YEAR YET.
What are you willing to do?
What changes are you willing to make?
Here are some things I changed: (and it took years of adding in healthy layers, which is what I love teaching now also)
- Starting With An Elimination Diet
-Combining a few ways of eating for how I feel best now (there is no such thing as a perfect diet for everyone)
-Healing my gut (you can do this WITHOUT medication)
-Learning how to check, balance, and maintain healthy pH levels
-Incorporating natural options to support my adrenals, immune system, and energy levels
-Focusing on how to adjust my work life and lifestyle to eliminate stress and increase JOY
-Living with my newfound is SUCH A RELIEF!
-Living with my newfound is SUCH A RELIEF!

Let me save you some tests, let me save you some misery with how you may be feeling in the digestion department. Let me encourage you and walk with you on this journey to your BEST SELF!
Anyways, long post - but I had to share with you when I found this piece of paper. I remember feeling so frustrated and totally get where you're coming from if you can relate to this! It has been a road of re-educating myself and I am SO happy I decided to take that leap and start that journey.......I want the same for you! I will be 30 next month and I feel the best I ever have. I have found my "groove" of how to live without dieting, to enjoy splurges without derailing, to stay active to stay strong, and how to be my absolute best for my little Nova. She deserves a happy and healthy mom.......and I cannot wait to see how I feel in another 5, 10, 20 years! To start the same journey I did and to have me along side you to answer your questions and keep you motivated, jump in my wellness accountability group! Knowledge is power when taking your health into your own hands. I'm excited to teach you! Click "join me" for more info...
Here's the link you need: JOIN ME!