It is both crazy and amazing to think that three years have gone by. Since the moment I became a mom, time has passed by much more quickly than I ever could have imagined. Some days I'm hesitant to blink because I know that another day will be over and my little girl will be another day older. I find myself cherishing every significant "first" with Nova.
Being a parent is such a beautiful experience. While as much as we want them to stay little, we also get so excited for the "firsts" and the milestones. I get excited watching Nova mature and grow into her little self. (Each "first" is exciting and parents reading this, you get it so I'll share!) Today's milestone? She went potty on the big potty all alone. (I'm talking all by herself!) Lights on, up onto the potty without a step stool, did it all alone and back to me with a ginormous smile on her face when she saw me grinning back at her. "You're ready for pre-school" I told her.....She beamed and replied, "I am older and bigger Mom."
It is crazy to think she will start pre school next week. She is ready. She is more than excited and I know that I'll be the sentimentally tearful one when that morning arrives.......gosh can time slow jussssst a teeeeenie bit? She seems much older than three some days... My heart is full as I get to watch her bloom into the Nova that she is meant to be! She is a bundle of energy and loves making up songs for me...Nova has so many different expressions and I am happy to have captured a few...

She has a BIG personality......she makes me laugh with her thoughts, her VERY honest comments, and her wild imagination. Seeing life through her eyes makes living SO exciting! Kids are awesome. They remind us what life is supposed to be about. Less worrying, more time appreciating the day at hand. More dreaming and imagining. Simply living as ourselves and keeping it transparent, without a care in the world. Her silly spirit and carefree attitude is teaching me to go with the flow more. Every day is an adventure......and it is supposed to be that way. It is easy to get caught up in routine that we forget about spontaneity (thank goodness Nova reminds me how often we need to do spur of the moment things! haha) See her two pictures above with that smirk? She's reaching into her pocket for some little marshmallows I bribed her with for these pics we took! (Yep. bribery works wonders sometimes) She was so excited to have those little goodies in her pocket during out little photoshoot outside! Actually, even taking these pics were spur of the moment - outfit and all! If you have a toddler, then you understand the beauty of capturing a good mood, a bit of patience on their part, and decent weather to make it all come together! This chair? It happened to be on the front porch as we went outside so I grabbed it....her Corduroy bear? A prize from her summer reading program. Her green corduroy dress? It had been hanging in her closet waiting for the perfect opportunity.....Nova was SO excited they matched! Like I was saying.....Spontaneity. It happened to work out perfectly and it was FUN! I'll never forget her excitement and expression when I held her green dress next to her bear and she saw they coordinated! Nova couldn't wait to take pictures with her bear! (I LOVE how excited she gets over small sweet)
She's fun. Being a mom is fun. (Yes it is also a whole bunch of other things that can sometimes wear me out physically and emotionally......but in this specific entry I'm focusing on those fun moments when all is well with the world, YOU KNOW what I'm talking about - that moment your toddler is smiling with marshmallows and cooperating for a few pictures! LOL) Our outdoor cat, "Sawyer" also made an appearance off and on while we snapped photos....he's a very curious cat who loves going on hikes in the woods with us and even follows us down the road on our walks......he's a sweetie who showed up one day (about two or three months ago now) and he has belonged in our little family ever since. Nova loves animals and loves helping take care of him.

I love seeing life through her eyes. Those precious little blue eyes. (It is crazy to me just how much she has matured in the last few months.....almost like someone pressed fast forward and I think it is from her getting excited about being "older" for school! Last week she kept saying, "I am brave and strong." Oh sure are!)
Enough photos for now - there are more I can share at another time......I just smile as I look through all of the candid ones we captured together. Her little personality continues to shine more and more the older she gets. I still have my moments when I realize how quickly time is going, and I can also say I am excited for each new milestone with Nova! Just like that, three years have gone by and I am so very excited for what the future hold with this little blue-eyed, curly headed, spunky-dimpled girl!
I love being her Mama.......and I'm excited for our next milestone of preschool next week!
-Andrea Newkirk