As I was rocking my daughter before her nap this morning it hit me. In two weeks she will be 18 months old already! I know time passes quickly, but WOW. I remember rocking her to sleep during my maternity leave and wondering how she would fit in my lap as she grew...(I'm 5' tall, pushing 5'1 on a good day lol) Today she was all curled up to me. She still fits perfectly and I'm amazed at just how quickly she has grown! I had another thought...if I hadn't taken a LEAP of FAITH at my dream to spend more time with her, I would not be rocking her at this moment. I would be at work...counting down the hours until I could be home with her again. I want to tell you something. This life passes quickly. How we spend our time is completely up to us. Our children will not be home with us forever. Their morning smiles, that messy bed head that pops up to greet us in the morning, those fuzzy footie pajamas, the messy faces as they learn to feed themselves, the tears as their teeth come in, those first words and then sentences.....it all comes and goes SO QUICKLY.
EMBRACE TODAY. Enjoy their smiles, their frowns, their laughs and yes, even their tears. Each day we all get a little older, each day we have the chance to make new memories. Each day is a GIFT. We never know when our last day will be.
I want to share with you the opportunity for more TIME at home. I have been slowly building my own business for about a year and a half now. I started it knowing I wanted to lose my baby weight. I used my transformation to encourage and inspire others to do the same. I was working full time and using my lunch breaks, car commutes, and late evenings to chip away at building my dream. My family comes first. Don't ever let anyone make you think work comes first. If I can do it as a new mom, while working full time and still making time for my husband and daughter, SO CAN YOU.
I am a MUCHHHHHHH happier person than I was a year ago. I am SO much LESS STRESSED as my life feels more balanced now! (I do not feel torn between work and home like I used to!) I have more time to be ME. More time to be the WIFE and MOM I longed to be while feeling torn in a full time job. I always say - We cannot pour from an empty cup. You've gotta invest in yourself some so you can be your absolute BEST for your family!
I did a quick live video last night on my Facebook page about "If you change nothing, then nothing changes..." I want to reach SO many moms and give them that loving PUSH to make a positive change in their lives. ......
To make time for YOU to be your absolute best. To look and feel healthy. To be confident in who you are! There is NO such thing as perfect. Being CONFIDENT in your own skin is worth A LOT. Feeling energetic for your kiddos and family is important. Having a more flexible schedule without busting your rear is comforting! YOU CAN DO THIS!
I am here to support you. To give you those wings to take off and SOAR!
Enjoy every moment with your kids today. If you do not have kids yet, maybe this is something you want to start NOW so that you have a successful business you can work from HOME for when you do start a family. Maybe you already stay home but feel you need a BOOST in self confidence or a source of encouragement! I am here to be that for ya.......being a mama can be hard work. We need to stick together and encourage each other to make the most of each day. To love ourselves for all we do, and to truly enjoy the simple things in life.
This friday - the 9th - I will be hosting a private group via Facebook for those who have questions about what it is I do and how you can get started yourself! I encourage you to join even if you have a few questions to see if it is a good fit for you. No pressure, if it isn't your thing, that's okay ;) My goal in life is for you to live #carefreehealthy and do your thing, whatever that may be....but if you think you want in on what I'm doing and where I'm going - COME ON! I cannot wait for you to see how wonderful this side is! :)
<3 Andrea.......
Here is the link for the Facebook Event on Friday: Click on link below.......
Andrea's Coaching Sneak Peak!!!47 members